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A Word to Our Guests

We're an independent, non-denominational fellowship that treasures the fellowship of true believers. There are a few things about us that seem unique. 


First, we're here because Jesus Christ has redeemed us. All of us were sinners, unable to save ourselves. God acted on our behalf and sent His son to die on the cross and pay for our sins, setting us free. Recognizing our desperate need, we have accepted God's gracious offer of the gift of salvation. From the lives God changed, this fellowship of believers was born.


We won't ask you to stand up and introduce yourself - but please, stick around after worship because we would like to get to know you. We won't ask for money ( we wouldn't turn it down either - there is an offering box located next to the main door).


We might seem a bit casual to you, but we're not casual about our love for the Lord and one another; we're family here, so you might hear the sound of a baby crying, or a child singing a special, or you might see one of our teenagers giving one of our senior saints a hug. 


Our song service is a mix between contemporary praise and the hymns that have endured for years. We feel both serve to praise our Lord and educate our worshipers.


We're  committed to the ministry of the word of God - during the sermon, you'll hear the rustle of the pages as believers check their Bibles for themselves as the Pastor preaches.


We understand church doesn't end when the sermon does; believers leave the service, prepared to serve.

Our Pastor:
Len Ridley
Chihuahua Bible Chapel 

Write Us


 1 Carlos Martinez Rd

Veguita, NM 87062

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